Monday, August 31, 2009

Fun and Free MMOs!

Hello again! Last time I spoke about free vs subscription. Whats out there that can compete with subscription based games? I could spend all day listing them hehe so just some of my faves. If you are looking for a good free MMO you have come to the right place for some ideas!

So what are my favorite free mmorpgs?

This is just a run down on some of the free mmorpgs I thought were some of the best out there when it comes to free. They are in no real order, each will just have a rating on different aspects of the game which are medium high and low.  The overall game rating scale is 1-10. I'll throw out a few pros and cons about the games also to give an idea what it is more or so like.

All of these games can be found in the Free Mmorpg links.

Lets get started!

Perfect World

Pros- This game I really had a lot of fun with and stuck to for awhile. The graphics are really top quality, really beautiful characters and scenery. The classes were fun to play and had neat abilities. Mounts were very neat, flying mounts at that. One race could even fly with wings which was a very cool ability! This game offers a cash shop also. I never purchased anything but there were a lot of cool things in there.

Cons- This game had quests but it seemed at some point you were grinding or just doing the same few quests over and over to get through many levels. It got quite boring at times.

Auction/seller option in this game required you to be logged in with a "trader" set up. So if you wanted to buy something you either ran from trader to trader in the different cities or spam WTB *item*.

PvP on all servers at level 30. This annoys me, when I am trying to level I don't like being interrupted. Enough said.

Game Rating: 5

Play Ability- Low] due to the grind factor

Interface- High] Easy to use

Graphics- High] Fantastic quality

Sound- High- High ]Very easy going nice music

Performance/Lag- High]  Had no issues

Fun factor long term- Low] After all the glitter and glam of the game, there wasn't much depth.

Community- Low] It was just sort of Bleh. Not the worst one out there though.

Free Realms

Pros- A very laid back game. No pressure on leveling. There are many many classes to level from Warrior to Blacksmith. I really had a lot of fun trying them all out. The game is very lovely, with a toon like look. No need for mounts as travel to any city is a click away on the map. Each class has different gear/outfits. It offers subscription and cash shop options and subscription option. You can run an instance alone or with a group which is nice also.

Cons- No real high end. It's just a game to log into and have some fun, nothing more nothing less (which really isn't a con I suppose). It is suppose to be aimed at tweens but some of the content is kind of hard like the tower games. I spent hrmm lets now say how long lol.. just too long at the penguin tower game just to finish it on all three modes. The combat classes level much slower than the others like cooking, pet training.. ect. It is a grind doing instances over and over either solo or with a group. And filters.. meh you can't even say most numbers such as 1234567890. Yeah that gets annoying. You can't even spell them. One will have to be typed won.. Also no trader option :(

Game Rating: 7

Play Ability- High] It is really a great game to log in when you just want to have fun and mess around.

Interface- High] Very easy to use

Graphics- High] Fantastic quality

Sound- Medium] Nice music but at times it is like something froma  playschool commercial.

Performance/Lag- Low] I had zero problems with this game personally. BUT a huge complaint I saw from the community was lag and problems soing timed quests. I think this stems from it being a "browser based" game. The simple "ol' family computer" might have problems running it sadly.

Fun factor long term- Medium] It all depends on what you find fun. For me I find it fun here and there. Honestly though I don't play it anymore.

Community- Medium] There are some really nice guilds out there, the forums seem decent. But you do have a lot of kids running around throwing up random invites to groups and guilds heh.


I highly recommend this one if you want to try something different!

Pros- This is a horror type mature rated game. It really has a unique feel to it. I liked the looks and feel. When you get low on health you get bloody and gory.. all splattered with blood! Lots of spashes of blood and carnage upon killing mobs. Several different races to choose from with very cool looking characters. This too offers a cash shop.

Cons- The biggest con I suppose would be it kind of gets to be a grind at some point too, repeating quests over and over to get levels sometimes. While being a horror game is wasn't too scary really. More gory. It was still nice though.

Game Rating: 8

Play Ability- Medium]  Due to the grind factor

Interface- Medium] Easy to use

Graphics- High:  Fantastic quality

Sound- High: Medium] Nice

Performance/Lag- High] Ran smoothly

Fun factor long term- Medium] Higher up when the characters get more detailed it becomes more fun.

Community- Medium] It seemed the normal mmorpg community

Runes of Magic

One of the best out there if you are looking for a good free one.

Pros- This game has mounts which is nice. Cash shop. The characters are really fun to play. A large variety of hairstyles and faces to pick from. Nice looking characters and gear. The world was very nice to look at also. Tons of quests! They offer expansions, content patches for high end also. This month they are releasing the new expansion with new areas and a new race/class! I still have yet to get into it, I am waiting on the expansion though; I want to be an elf. This game offers an auction house and player housing!

Cons- The biggest is the cash shop. To get a permanent mount you have to buy it from the cash shop or you can just use the 3hr or 15min mounts. Vanity pets.. I was like yay.. till I found out you buy them and they have a duration on them :( Other than that I really found it a well rounded game for being free and you don't have to use the cash shop unless you really want to.

Game Rating: 9

Play Ability- High]  Tons of quests and content to keep you busy

Interface- High] Easy to use

Graphics- High:  Nice graphics, this game is often compared to WoW

Sound- High: Medium] Nice sounds

Performance/Lag- High] Ran smoothly

Fun factor long term- High] Higher up when the characters get more detailed it becomes more fun.

Community- Medium] It seemed the normal mmorpg community

Dungeon Runners

Pros- Fun fast paced mmorpg to log into. You get tons of gear. This is Diablo meets WoW. Nice toony graphics. The game has a comical aspect, from the quests to the gear. It is a lighthearted fun game. A real good hack and slash dungeon crawler. A very fun game to play!

Cons- Burn out factor is high after awhile of running dungeon after dungeon or even multiple levels and doing them over if you forgot something in there. No healer classes, just chugging potion after endless potion. No auto attack, after holding attack button down through a dungeon.. it can make your hand cramp heh. Also no trader/auction option in this game.

Game Rating: 9

Play Ability- High]  It really is a lot of fun to go slaughter foes in this game

Interface- High] Easy to use

Graphics- High:  Nice graphics, this game is often compared to WoW as well b/c of the toon look

Sound- High: Medium] Nice sounds

Performance/Lag- High] Ran very well

Fun factor long term- Low]How many dungeons can you run with tons of mobs rushing at you before you get bored...

Community- High] It seemed the normal mmorpg community. On a side note the Developers are very in tune with the community and often seen in game chat. Just because they are so hands on I give this community a high rating.

Ether Saga

Pros- This game is just so cute! I really liked the cute look it has. the characters were very fun to play and look at. You also get pets that help you in combat.. this is a sweet feature. At level 10 there is a quest to get a cloud to fly on! Many quests to work on. Trader option to set up a trader with this game also.

Cons- The flying mounts were limited in the aspect that they ran off of the characters (think it was) mana. Once it ran out you were dismounted :( It just kind of got boring after awhile, the game just doesn't seem to have much direction at the lower levels.

Game Rating: 7

Play Ability- High]  Tons of quests and content to keep you busy

Interface- High] Easy to use

Graphics- High] Great looking game

Sound- High- Medium] Sounded good

Performance/Lag- High] Ran smoothly

Fun factor long term- Low] Just seems to get boring at a point

Community- Medium] It seemed the normal mmorpg community

So those are probably the ones I've had the most fun with. Mythos would be up there too had it not went under.

Some others I can reccomend that I have yet to play but haveheard raves about would be :

Atlantica Online-  This one has gotten some great reviews. It's on my to do list ;)

Wizzard 101- I briefly tried it but need to check it out further. Very popular game too.

So there ya have it, my current top picks for the FTP MMORPGs!


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