Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lots of Goodies! (EQ, EQ2)

Today has been an exciting day for Everquest and Everquest 2.
Everquest 2
Today EQ2 had GU58 go live and there were some really neat additions to the game like the outdoor areas added to certain housing that was lacking in that area. Appearance slots for mounts and much more neat stuff.

Also, going live in two days is NoTD, you can see more on GU58 and the special events lined up for the rest of the year here. I'm pretty excited about the changes and additions. I had a lot of fun decorating my new 'patio' in Neriak.

Last but not least- The Destiny of Velious Prelude Event has gone live. It took a little bit of hunting around but I found more information on where to go... at Zam! A nice plushy reward and a cool title. I like!


On the other hand Everquest gets it's 17th expansion today! Long awaited housing is released which is so exciting! I did not pre-order and I am sort of feeling left out. I hope to pop in and check out the new expansion very soon though! For more details check here.

There is a really cool mount for your /claim (When you buy the expansion you get the live mount, CE gets both dead and Live though), the live mount is pictured below. My husband tells me that he had 999 to claim. I have so many characters needing mounts lately! Yay Everquest!


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