Saturday, August 20, 2011

Time flies! Two Years

This month makes two years for this blog, my how time flies! I know over the last few months I've slowed down a bit and I wanted to pick things up here on the blog but I think slowing them down even more so might be best. My son is starting his first year of high school next week so it's going to slow down on the blog for awhile. I want to get this school year off to a good start so taking more time to focus on family is a priority!

In the last few weeks I've gotten a lot of spam bot-like comments so I'll be changing comments so they must be moderated before showing, feel free to comment still, it just might take me some time to reply/check on things. I just don't want to have to keep track of removing spam links on a regular basis, like I have been doing, best they don't show up at all!

I didn't want to write a big me-me post about my two year mark, instead I figured I'd share a few requests before too much time goes by and I forget. So here we go:

Project Stormos is a unique little game I've been wanting to check out. I've not had a chance to actually try it but I've followed the development for some time and the designer has granted me access, which I'll be trying out this week. Looks like something fun and relaxing. Head on over to Project Stormos and give it a look!

Another developer asked me to try a new Facebook game called Master Dealer. Check it out here. I really have started to enjoy the casual FB games. This one is interesting and if you like online card games you might want to try this one out. I've been wanting to do a post on FB games but I just haven't had the time unfortunately.

The last thing on the list would be a writer who is looking to exchange links with other bloggers and generating more readers. He has a very spiffy site which gives game reviews and articles on a lot of free to play games. If you would like to exchange links with this gentleman head on over to Picture One. I know it is hard to get your name out there and generate readers sometimes so I'm always up for helping someone with passing along a nice site!

So, thanks for reading, the last two years have been really great. I still enjoy my games and my blog, hopefully I'll be able to give more attention to my posting before too much time passes! I've made some wonderful friends and I thank you all for taking the time, over these last couple of years, to read and share your thoughts with me! *Hugs to everyone*

Safe adventures!


  1. time does fly!! Great Post!

  2. Congrats on your TWO year anniversary!

  3. Congrats on the two years!

  4. Congratulations dude! I am approaching my blog's second birthday in October as well!

  5. Grats on two years!

    And sorry to hear about the spam problem. They're so annoying! I'm actually quite impressed with my wordpress filter though, very few have passed through.

  6. Grats!!! Two years and routine posts. Keep on blogging!

  7. Grats!!!!

    Looking forward to more years of awesome Kaozz!

  8. Yay for two years, Kaozz! Careful with those facebook games though, they tend to get their claws dug in deep. I've been a farmer, a chef, and a general of war for a few months before I shook off said hooks. But the games were quite fun, and likely will be should I ever return to them.

    High school is a bit of a jump at first, but I'm sure he'll do fine. I mean he likes Minecraft and WoW. Isn't that all they kids talk about now anyway? He's got an ice breaker for every situation! :D

  9. Thank you!
    Yeah, I get tired from all the waiting on FB games so they don't get too much attention past a few minutes here and there. Not up for buying FB credits to just unlock petty things

    Haha true, he is settling in a little better but has no classes or lunch with his friends. Maybe those ice breakers will come in handy for new ones ;)




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