Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My First 2012 Expectation Hits- Everquest: FREE TO PLAY!

The oldest (3D) MMO subscription model rides off into the sunset.

Earlier this month I wrote some of my hopes and expectations for 2012 and one of them happened to be Everquest going F2P. I don't see the F2P model going away anytime soon, it really has saved many games and players really do like it, say what you will but look at many that have surged back from the abyss because of it. On March 16th the grandfather of MMORPGs, Everquest, goes free to play. On the birthday of Everquest, thirteen years and eighteen expansions later we're seeing this happen. Sure, I thought it could, following EQ2, I almost expected it but I honestly gasped when I read the news. Hey, it's my first love.

There will still be the standard subscription model, which I'm sure I'll mainly stick with when this is my main game, but on my  breaks this is a really nice way to still be able to at least log in a couple time a week. I can maintain my guild, hall, land and keep in touch with friends.

So, while I'm really excited about this we still have a bit of time left. I can see this change really enhancing and prolonging the games life span. Bringing back older players perhaps, I see an influx in the population over time. Although I don't like some of the free and silver restrictions, especially on AAs (Sell an unlock please!). Or perhaps guild halls, will they just poof if you go F2P, I suppose if you were silver this would not be an issue? I hope they do the same and grandfather in characters, as EQ2 did. Only time will tell. Some other changes will be implemented:

Once we go free-to-play, here are some of the upcoming features and events you can expect:
  • On Friday, March 16th, EverQuest becomes a teenager: 13 years old!!! We will be having some extra added events in the game starting that week leading up to that Friday and we're introducing some new items within POK to let you know what's in store.
  • With the free-to-play launch, a renovated everquest.com website will be unveiled and after that, we will bring you upgraded EQPlayers pages.
  • We have improved the functionality of our Map system! Some improvements include being able to view appropriate level content for your character on the map, allowing you to find zone lines much easier; and also showing you your wisps on the map to help navigate to where you want to go!

Check out the full announcement on EQplayers. There is a bit more interesting information and I'm sure the forums are full or crying and cheering and hissy fits. I'm mixed on the sub model matrix after checking it twice, heh. You'll have that, I suppose. If you're thinking of joining back then feel free to join our small family guild on the Firiona Vie server (free transfers to it), Stellar. We have a guild hall with our own guild neighborhood, we love to group and hang out. I'm excited to start recruiting and having out ranks grow, this is the perfect opportunity to start. Shoot me an email or leave a comment. In game I'm mostly on Bunny or Ellamental. Anyhow, long live Everquest!

We're looking at you going free next, Vanguard. >.>

Art on this post is by Keith Parkinson




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