Today I noticed the post count was sitting at 999, this makes 1000, w00t! Thought I'd share some pics of GW2 and just blab a little about what was going on in them. My computer is a couple of years old now so they are not the highest quality as far as settings go, I still like to share.
My ranger and pet. Love how you can swap weapons out in GW2 for different types of play, almost feels like a different class, I can 'charge' with a 2h sword. Having lots of fun with trying out everything. |
Nightshade and I, we were sharing a few pet locations with each other. We're crazy pet collectors! |
Swimming around under Lion's Arch, looking for pets. |
Taming a new underwater pet- Jellyfish! |
Nightshade showed me this spectacular place where a whale was! It has been a long time since I actually enjoyed being underwater in an MMO. |
Dire and I doing an escort. So much fun with all the people joining in! |
Dire and I had a good time last night, we ended up staying in the overflow server due to events going on. I was so glad we ended up in the same one when we logged in! |
I was going to complain about my boring brown armor until I remembered dye... Oh I love dye in GW2. You can access it on the fly (H key). I've gotten a few dyes to drop, nothing that good yet, a rusty brown and funky pinkish purple and other weird ones. Using the basic colors here. |
This was the biggest and toughest event I've done yet, it was a blast! Tons of people and really glad we got to take part in this! Dire was thrilled. Like a mini raid on the fly. Hope to do many more like this! |
Lewt chest at the end! I managed to get a green item (what you'd call a blue in most games, rare), something Dire can use when the mail is working again. Hard seeing green as a rare but it's pulling from the first GW's roots on this. |
People milling around sharing and linking loot while wishing the mail was working, lol. |
Vista hunting before bed! We managed to hit 12 (Dire) and 15 (me) before logging. I spent waaaay too much time hunting pets yesterday, but it was a lot of fun and now I have a bunch of interesting pets to pick from. |
Wow, a thousand posts, congrats!